Yoga Vidya Rotterdam in Rotterdam

NederlandYoga Vidya Rotterdam



🕗 openingstijden

47, Vijverhofstraat, 3032 SB, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 6 34860459
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9293223, Longitude: 4.4769533

opmerkingen 5

  • Marjolein Rikkelman

    Marjolein Rikkelman


    De 'speakeasy' yoga studio of Rotterdam! From the outside you wouldn't guess that there is such a beautiful studio. From the 4th floor you have a great view and lot's of light. A good diversity of classes that are given by experienced and qualified teachers. Teachers who teach from the heart keeping the Yoga spirit pure! Next to daily classes, they have inspiring workshops & events. Want to deepen your yoga practice to a next level? Then this is it the yogastudio for a 2 years Yoga teacher training 500RYT. Come and explore!

  • Heather Murdock

    Heather Murdock


    Great studio with a nice variety of classes, affordable fees and good community!

  • Johan Molenaar

    Johan Molenaar


    The studio offers a great variaty of lessons which are thought in an authentic manner. The atmosphere is very nice and relaxed. Workshops and retreats are offered at a regular basis. It's also possible to participate in a two year teacher training.

  • William Bi

    William Bi


    A very downtoearth studio. Ewa the mysore teacher is detail-focused, strict and very helpful. I learned a lot new things from her, and thats not too easy to say after over a decade of ashtanga practice.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    I attend the early morning ashtanga classes with Sofie and they are great. As a beginner I feel in good hands. It is great to go at my own pace, receive personal advice and yet having more advanced people around me to show what the future holds.

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