Wynand Fockink Proeflokaal and Spirits in Amsterdam

NederlandWynand Fockink Proeflokaal and Spirits



🕗 openingstijden

31, Pijlsteeg, 1012 HH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 639 2695
website: www.wynand-fockink.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.372311, Longitude: 4.895329

opmerkingen 5

  • jennifer saunders

    jennifer saunders


    Truly a hidden gem in the heart of Amsterdam. This is a tiny little atmospheric bar where you sip delicious concoctions, guided by knowledgeable (and frequently entertaining) bartenders. There is some outdoor seating but numbers are limited due to the size so get in early! There is also a small store attached which sells most of the selection if you miss your opportunity.

  • Steven Pemberton

    Steven Pemberton


    Tiny. Crowded. Dark. Atmospheric. 17th century. Drinks you have never heard of, let alone had in your life. Take the first sip *before* lifting the glass, or be laughed out of the building. An experience.

  • Maxime Jacquet

    Maxime Jacquet


    If you like liqueur, it is the place to be !

  • Pedro Bem

    Pedro Bem


    The "barmen" make this place much, much more fun to go to. I'm still not sure what I drank there but it was tangy and spicy and sweet and I thing you should go and try it for yourself. Also have a beer with it, you'll thank me later.

  • Guillermina Bond

    Guillermina Bond


    Awesome variety of liquors and environment. The range is wide enough to offer creamy and sweet (butter cookie is really good), to fruity (passion fruit is also worth a try) and more intense flavours with more than 40% alcohol. Each drink (slightly bigger than a shot) is around 3.50. Can get crowded.

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