Wurst & Schnitzelhaus in Amsterdam

NederlandWurst & Schnitzelhaus



🕗 openingstijden

474 HS, Prinsengracht, 1017 KG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 737 1592
website: www.wush.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3643723, Longitude: 4.8849236

opmerkingen 5

  • Filipe Silva

    Filipe Silva


    Good german food, good beer, in a cozy place with nice staff. The terrace is great on a sunny day (lots of bikes passing by, but it is the center of Amsterdam)

  • Benjamin Haire

    Benjamin Haire


    The host really went to great lengths to ensure we enjoyed our wurst and schnitzel, which were all expertly prepared. Cannot recommend enough.

  • Otto Comin

    Otto Comin


    Needed some schnitzel while in Amsterdam and this met my needs. The service was good and I liked the variety of options. I would happily go back.

  • Billy Carson

    Billy Carson


    I would have eaten here everyday of my visit if the others I was traveling with would have let me. This was hands down the best meal I had in Amsterdam. Service was spectacular, very funny, friendly, and helpful with the menu. Definitely go here, you won't regret it.

  • en

    Trisha Mav


    Best schnitzel I've had in years! This place is a must, for a great dinner experience. The restaurant is very cosy, the location beautiful, and the food is cooked with love! The staff was also incredibly sweet & friendly, and the prices quite good. We will definitely come back. Thank you for everything!

Restaurant in de buurt

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