!WOON team West in Amsterdam

Nederland!WOON team West



🕗 openingstijden

106-D, Eerste Helmersstraat, 1054 EG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 523 0130
website: www.wooninfo.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3621038, Longitude: 4.8689331

opmerkingen 5

  • O Ya

    O Ya


    Outstanding people !! For anyone having problems with high rent or difficult landlords, All should contact WOON first!! These are truly the most beautiful and caring and attentive people I have ever dealt with in Amsterdam!! Refreshing and wonderful, and always a pleasure to visit :) They won my house for me 3 times !! My children got to have a stable childhood!! we were able to cultivate our social community and build a great neighborhood, MANY THANKS TO Fred and Rose and Sergio for all the support and hours of listening and love xoxo !!!!!

  • Maximiliane Werkle

    Maximiliane Werkle


    After having a not so good first experience with the Woon Team West, I was asked to come back for a proper second consultation. Indeed, the second time around everything went very efficient, the workers were friendly and I was assisted with qualitative and knowledgable information. Thanks!

  • Vlad



    Amazing organization helping people not get ripped off by housing agencies. I won my case thanks to them.

  • Michael Borsky

    Michael Borsky


    This is a really great service, volunteers who help and advise you with legal questions and your rights in rent contracts. Personally I spoke to a lawyer who helps out here in the evenings. Definitely recommend this, they are really caring!

  • Inanna



    The most caring and supportive people in Amsterdam. I feel so lucky to have them with me. A very dedicated team of angels

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