Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in Apeldoorn

NederlandWittenborg University of Applied Sciences



🕗 openingstijden

23, Spoorstraat, 7311 PE, Apeldoorn, Apeldoorn, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 88 667 2688
website: www.wittenborg.eu
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2099522, Longitude: 5.9718154

opmerkingen 5

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    Wittenborg is the most international university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. The students are motivated, friendly and proactive. When I was doing the MSc at Wittenborg, I had 15 classmates from about 10 different countries. That was such amazing learning experience. Teachers are from the UK, Netherlands, Asia, Africa, US, etc. and they are very responsible and approachable. I really appreciate teachers, staff members and fellow schoolmates at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences.

  • Nadia Deandra

    Nadia Deandra


    Being a student in Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences has been a wonderful experience for me. The international environment with people with diverse nationalities become the main point of this school. As the top 4 best small universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, the education systems in this school allow me to have the opportunity to get intense contact from the lecturers. If you are looking for school with warm atmosphere and great education system, this is the place to be!

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    Florian Oosterberg


    I've worked for 4 years now at this University of Applied Sciences. The atmosphere is great and the colleagues are always welcoming and willing to help you. The true diversity of nationalities in students and staff contributes to internationalization in higher education, a work environment that I appreciate to its full extent.

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    Karen Penninga


    I have been working for Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences for over 13 years and I really enjoy working in this very international and diverse organisation. Wittenborg is challenging all its staff and students to keep on learning and developing skills and competences, and support others in doing the same. Wittenborg has a friendly and stimulating environment, a great atmosphere for both studying and learning while on the job!

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    Rousanna Baird


    As a student of Marketing and Communications, studying at Wittenborg is one of the best decisions I have made. With small class sizes, I felt that the attention I needed from my lecturers were given. They are approachable, and very helpful in areas I feel or have felt uncertain. I even had the opportunity to complete my Internship as Sales and Marketing Assistant. The general working culture is warm and welcoming - very casual. No fuss. Working at Wittenborg has given me the opportunity to experience the Dutch working culture with an International perspective. In a nutshell, a great place to work and/or study! :)

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