WE Fashion Store in Eindhoven

NederlandWE Fashion Store



🕗 openingstijden

40, Piazza, 5611 AE, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 40 236 5456
website: wefashion.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.441867, Longitude: 5.4761327

opmerkingen 5

  • Yorick Heidema

    Yorick Heidema


    They missed me while I was trying on a >€200 suit, but once I got to the register, they were very helpful and I got a great suit. Perfect for people who are naturally thin and long. (great slim-fit athletic shape)

  • Ewa Walkiewicz

    Ewa Walkiewicz


    I like this shop for good quality waredrop's basics.

  • en

    Dave Zur


    I used to come to this shop because of elegant design and good quality clothing, but since 1-2 years quality is really bad, shirts and trousers not lasting more than few months, leather products are a joke too.

  • Gabriel Huculeci

    Gabriel Huculeci


    nice shop for clothing

  • en

    Mark van Berlo


    WE is a great store, but please visit there other location on the Demer, because the Store manager, Mark Coenelissen, has no idea what he's doing. He's unfriendly and condescending to customers. He does not belong in a store.

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