Wasserette Hundal in Amsterdam

NederlandWasserette Hundal



🕗 openingstijden

80, Postjesweg, 1057 EE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 616 1796
website: www.wasserettehundal.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.364433, Longitude: 4.854914

opmerkingen 4

  • en

    L T


    Wow. So rude. Wash came out dirty and wet. They didnt smell clean at all, could still smell sweaty socks and see ball of hair in one of the socks.. Then she wanted me to pay extra (already paid €10,- for a bag of 5kg) because there was a sleeping bag in there. She wanted me to pay €7! extra. I refused, because it's not clean and not dry + I already paid a lot for 5kg(included the sleeping bag). Then she really roughly pulled the laundry out of my hands and told me I wouldn't get it back and called me a 'schooier' (very impolite word for beggar) that I wouldn't pay the €7,-. Whilst pulling the laundry out of my hand she threw all my laundry including all my panties on the ground and I had to crawl over the floor to get all my laundry back in the bag. I came home totally shocked... With dirty laundry and a wet sleeping bag..

  • BORDA!Fest Produzioni Sotterranee

    BORDA!Fest Produzioni Sotterranee


  • Andrey Kovalev

    Andrey Kovalev


    Seems they save on detergents. Clothes came out dirty.

  • it

    Amin Silvia


Wasserij in de buurt

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