V.O.F. Loving Hut in Maastricht

NederlandV.O.F. Loving Hut



🕗 openingstijden

36, Scharnerweg, 6224 JH, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
website: www.lovinghutmaastricht.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8489604, Longitude: 5.7174195

opmerkingen 5

  • Melody Escobar

    Melody Escobar


    The food is so delicious and the service really nice. Definitely my favourite vegan restaurant.

  • en

    Ian Lippe


    A great restaurant. The service was very friendly. The food really great. Highly recommended, not just for vegans

  • vinay kumar

    vinay kumar


    Don’t know about how the food will be, but waiting for 45 mins(still no luck) for take away order. No one arrived after me and 3 customers present when I came in (two already had food in their table !!). 45 mins to serve one customer ? Well this is slower than growing vegetables !!! Go there only if you don’t have anything to do for next two days...who knows 😂😂😂 Update: Food arrived after nearly 1 hr, taste and quality was good. But having to wait for 1 hr in an empty restaurant ruined it.

  • en

    Stefania Acquesta


    Very good choices, for a vegan that likes Asian food but also for someone who wanted to try a vegan restaurant. Good Mok pork 🐷 and also all the appetizers. Improvable the vegetables that are the same. Very good the hot chocolate with whipped cream

  • Jeska Pepermans

    Jeska Pepermans


    Fresh, all vegan products. There is a nice selection of drinks. All the dishes were well spiced and delicious in taste. I will definitely come here again. The prices are good. Such a large variety in choices. The wanton soup was the best I ever had. The staff is very friendly. I would highly recommend, also when you're not vegan, you will like it!

Restaurant in de buurt

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