Vlaamsch Broodhuys Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandVlaamsch Broodhuys Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

64, Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat, 1054 BR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 689 9131
website: www.vlaamschbroodhuys.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3639308, Longitude: 4.874237

opmerkingen 5

  • N*** N***

    N*** N***


    The service was good, the meal was tasteless, besides I was expecting more. To finish the culmination, I was served black tea in a plastic bag, I couldnā€™t finish itā€¦.One star for the service, one for interior design.

  • Elena Kornilova

    Elena Kornilova


    It used to be my favorite place for lunch, not anymore.. Yesterday a lot of items were not available from the menu at 15:00, such as orange juice, items with feta and so onā€¦. I tried to order ā€œtastingā€ menu with different types of sandwiches, but because of absence of many ingredients, the only sandwiches I wanted was with tuna and salmon. I was told that salmon is not included in this tasting menu. It was strange because I ordered it a week before. There were no manager to discuss the situation, and two of the waiters were apparently lacking professionalism and knowledge (one of them said it was his first day). Sorry, but going to cross this place out of my list.

  • Gabrielle VM

    Gabrielle VM


    We took the Tuna melt and feta/avocado salad for our post-lockdown lunch. It was lovely to be able to sit outside at a table and enjoy good food and the lovely weather! I definitely recommend having the tuna-melt, the bread is so good it balances out the cheese and tuna !

  • ania onopiuk

    ania onopiuk


    Best coffee in the neighbourhood and very nice, friendly stuff

  • Lauris P.

    Lauris P.


    Service was nice, sandwiches they bring fast. We took Chiken Melt, bred felt fresh, souse between bred slices - pulled chicken with cheese, avocado, pesto had interesting taste. Orange juice was freshly made, I had feeling it was mixed with water and bit sugar. Toilets were not so clean.

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