VanMoof in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

55, Mauritskade, 1092 AD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 330 7401
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.361731, Longitude: 4.917765

opmerkingen 5

  • Sarah Cook

    Sarah Cook


    First, we have one of your bikes and absolutely love it! We recently visited Amsterdam and added your store to our itinerary. We walked nearly an hour from our hotel to see and talk about your bikes. But, when we got into the store, not one person greeted us. In fact, it was hard to tell who even worked in sales since everyone was on their laptops as we walked around. We had to eventually approach someone who seemed like he could care less that we owned a bike, purchased your bonds, and truly love our VanMoof. He showed little enthusiasm, only saying 'okay' as every response. He brushed us off completely. We were really disappointed and it felt like a waste of time. We get so many compliments on our bike and share your brand with everyone but this interaction really made me question your policy on existing customers.

  • en

    Min Sun [Sunny] Kim


    Service was great and the staff were friendly. During the trial ride, it wasn't comfortable as I am short. Wish there was a shorter bikes for people with short height or the foldable bike they had in Japan. The design was very minimalistic and modern. It kind of felt robotic and cool when riding it but since I don't ride bikes often it was a bit too fast for me.

  • Laurens Broekhof

    Laurens Broekhof


    The designs are forward thinking, innovative, and high quality. The ride itself wasn't for me but VanMoof has a friendly and no nonsense 30 day return policy. The agreeableness and help from the staff was much appreciated.

  • Wouter Blok

    Wouter Blok


    Best e-bike ever! I've bought the Electrified-S 2017 instead of a second car. Commuting between Amsterdam and Haarlem is a breeze and good for my health. Service in the store is great!

  • Paolo Erriu

    Paolo Erriu


    The smart bike has a plan (piece of mind) that will cost you more than a premium bike insurance however Will recover your bike the first time for free and then will cost you 90+euros.... up to 3 times then you will be stranded ; consider the plan will not cover parts or theft attempts related damages. The bike itself is very nice but is also overpriced for a Taiwan made bike. If you want to feel like a premium customer (and a bit posh) and you have a tesla a Mac and an IPhone you should feel at home as they offer a similar business style. My personal opinion is that then products have a great aesthetic design however are mildly to highly overpriced.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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