UpLoadYourNRG Massage & Welzijn in Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandUpLoadYourNRG Massage & Welzijn in Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

134, Herculesstraat, 1076 SV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 6 34892750
website: www.uploadyournrg.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.345833, Longitude: 4.861347

opmerkingen 5

  • Nalini Nauth

    Nalini Nauth


    Waar een fysio en half jaar bezig is geweest om mij van mn pijn af te helpen op mijn borstbeen is het Monique gelukt dit in 1 sessie weg te krijgen !! En daarnaast is ze simply the best in Amsterdam en omgeving 😊

  • Olias Spiekman

    Olias Spiekman


    Since I was offered a massage at UpLoadYourNRG I have been going monthly for over a year. Simply a perfect way to recharge myself and discover all areas that get stuck with an office job! Monique is a real pro and helps me stay energetic and relaxed, so I can recommend her to anyone. You won't regret trying :)

  • en

    Linda Kitchen


    My experience receiving therapeutic massages over the past 2 years with M. Sahiboe has been very helpful. Some very long difficulties with muscle trigger points have declined and my overall health has improved from the regular visits. Monique is, in my opinion, a very gifted masseuse who has a clear understanding of the overall well-being of a person. She takes the time to access my individual needs each visit in order to provide the type of massage and treatment necessary on that day. I'm very pleased and thankful to have UpLoadYourNRG Massage in my life!

  • Peter de haan

    Peter de haan


    Goed, beter, best Upload your NRG is the best in town!

  • Mai-Ly Pham

    Mai-Ly Pham


    Monique is a great certified massage therapist. I visit her on a regular basis since 4 years now and have never been disappointed by her treatments (which are even better than some of the ones I had in luxurious spas abroad). Everyone whom I recommended her have also become a big fan of her treatments. Monique takes time to discuss the problem areas, focuses on the triggerpoints and always manages to release the tensions in my back and neck. Her indian head massages are excellent, and the hot stones that are included in the treatments are definitely worth visiting her. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a good massage therapist who understands the whole functioning of the body.

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