University of Groningen Library in Groningen

NederlandUniversity of Groningen Library



🕗 openingstijden

4, Broerstraat, 9712 CP, Groningen, Groningen, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 50 363 5020
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 53.218821, Longitude: 6.563224

opmerkingen 5

  • Harco van Marion

    Harco van Marion


    In een van de urinoirs op de tweede verdieping zit al dagenlang hetzelfde stuk kauwgom vastgeplakt. De wc's en de voorzieningen zijn dan ook altijd een bende. MRSA of E. coli zijn niet uitgesloten.

  • en

    Robert Bakker


    Pathetic excuse of a library, they host music events during exam weeks inside the building and force you to walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke as you enter. They fail to supply a smoking area away from the entrance (one would think there would be a terrace for smokers?) but no, you have to increase your risk of getting cancer just trying to enter it. Finally, don't plan on long study sessions without breaking the bank, want a tea (€1.50) or to make some noodles, expect to pay for hot water.

  • A. Batsios

    A. Batsios


    The library is good, the students aren't always quite, UMCG's is way better

  • en

    Elena 87


    great library. nice chairs and light for studying. rooms for coffe break

  • Ricardo M

    Ricardo M


    Best library I know in this city (for studying)

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