Theehuis Bos En Hei in Naarden

NederlandTheehuis Bos En Hei



🕗 openingstijden

30, Oud Huizerweg, 1411 GZ, Naarden, Gooise Meren, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 35 525 1561
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3022142, Longitude: 5.21551

opmerkingen 5

  • Ekaterina Kharitonova

    Ekaterina Kharitonova


    Lekker eten, mooi locatie! Top. Hidden gem ❤

  • Patrick F

    Patrick F


    Friendly staff and good coffee+snacks

  • en

    Henk Kruijmer


    Very cosy !!

  • Jeroen Mourik

    Jeroen Mourik


    Indoors this is everything but a tea house, but instead a Dutch "brown cafe" pub that is linked to a certain brewery. Outdoors it has the feel of a pancake, coffee house, although their selection of pancakes is limited. The playground for children is lovely and above average. The terrace big enough to escape the kids. They have almost no competition when it comes to a place to take a break after a hike or bike in the surrounding nature reserves. Yet, we did not feel they were taking advantage. A genuine nice place for a drink and a bite.

  • geoffrey hofman

    geoffrey hofman


    This place is awesome if you have kids. They can play while you can enjoy a nice snack plus a drink on a great terras

Cafe in de buurt

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