The restaurant Colonie Houten in Houten

NederlandThe restaurant Colonie Houten



🕗 openingstijden

1, Koedijk, 3992 LV, Houten, Houten, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 30 289 3294
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0316734, Longitude: 5.1388727

opmerkingen 5

  • Thomas Buitendijk

    Thomas Buitendijk


    Excellent Easter brunch with a big variety of food to choose from. Great ambiance.

  • en

    net con


    Ambiance is nice, staff friendly but food I had fish, completely tasteless.

  • Jeroen Delcour

    Jeroen Delcour


    Great appetizer and main course, but the dessert was lacking.

  • Abel De Wit

    Abel De Wit


    We came here for the 80th birthday of my grandmother and when we arrived we were all quite hungry because of the activities we did throughout the day. When we arrived and were seated at the table a young waitress started asking if we'd like something to drink even before everyone properly sat down. Next to that there was no menu for the drinks on the table which I had to ask for, she got the menu for me but then walked away to get the drinks everyone had ordered without the menu leaving me as the only one without a drink. Some more unusual things happened with this waitress untill my aunt had enough and asked for another waitress. After this issue was resolved we got another waitress who made up for the prior mistakes by her amazing hospitality. Next to the weird service there is nothing to complain about the veriety of food, the quality of the dishes and drinks and the pace of the courses. Would've been 4 stars if we hadn't been treated so rude in the beginning of the evening.

  • Arturo Alonso Gómez

    Arturo Alonso Gómez


    Good choice for a quick business or informal lunch. Kind of traditionnal old style building. Friendly service.

Restaurant in de buurt

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