The Public Library of Eindhoven in Eindhoven

NederlandThe Public Library of Eindhoven



🕗 openingstijden

22, Emmasingel, 5611 AZ, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 40 260 4260
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4390101, Longitude: 5.4743638

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Oscar Vinck


    Who ever said libraries where dull? Visit the Eindhoven library! Sure, they have lots of books, but there’s so much more. Take your kids and have them play with flashy interactive games (beamed on the floor) or just old school with wooden puzzles. There’s enough space to hang out, read, do research or have a fresh cup of coffee at their cafe. You’re welcome, even if you’re not a library member. Kids get their membership for free!

  • Priyanka C

    Priyanka C


    Cosy, spacious and a warm place to read books and chill. it’s not too quiet but that’s why I like it. There is a small cafe inside too

  • en

    Aishna sharma


    Really disappointed to find out that they don't have English sessions for toddlers

  • Olga Cherepennikova

    Olga Cherepennikova


    Nice and cozy place to chat and have a good coffee but definitely not to study/work. Kids are running around and a lot of noise happens

  • Michael Kalyaano

    Michael Kalyaano


    This library is very good. It is spacious, welcoming, peaceful and bright. There are many seats, couches, desks and chairs. The WiFi is free, there are many points for powering portable devices. I am not fluent in Dutch yet so I like accessing the English language books. There is a large selection of travel books in English from Rough Guide, Lonely Planet and Fordor etc. There is a café inside selling beverages and food. There is another café underneath the library, owned by a private company.

Bibliotheek in de buurt

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