The Modern. Vintage Eames & Design Furniture in Amsterdam

NederlandThe Modern. Vintage Eames & Design Furniture



🕗 openingstijden

26, Jacob Obrechtstraat, 1071 KM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 261 3790
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.356083, Longitude: 4.8751198

opmerkingen 5

  • LS Lino

    LS Lino


    Love this place. Great value and quality. Very helpful staff and owner.

  • Alfredo Verdu

    Alfredo Verdu


    Super stylish collection of chairs and other beautiful pieces. The Modern is great studio/design boutique to have on mind for a contemporary house project.

  • Ariadna Puigdomènech

    Ariadna Puigdomènech


    The service is excellent, the delivery was well packaged and arrived in a very short of time even though I live in Barcelona. And of course, the team is very nice, professional and absolutely efficient, they respond my questions immediately. I highly recommend you to check they page out!

  • Richard Curtis

    Richard Curtis


    I saw an item at Modern Vintage on the Saturday, so contacted the guys and had a response within the hour. By the Monday i had ordered the item and it arrived not very long after. I had an amazing experience with Modern Vintage, the package arrived very well packed, and the contents are just wonderful. I am very happy that i decided to buy from Modern Vintage, highly recommended.

  • Emma von Hauswolff

    Emma von Hauswolff


    Great range to choose what color and base you'd like for your vintage Eames chair produced by Herman Miller, as well as awesome service all the way from choosing to shipment. We visited the store during a weekend in Amsterdam, and then got them shipped home to Sweden within 2 weeks, well secured in the package. Thank you Modern Vintage - We will sure be back when we decide to extend our collection!

Meubelwinkel in de buurt

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