The Indian Grocery Store in Almere

NederlandThe Indian Grocery Store



🕗 openingstijden

16, Bottelaarpassage, 1315 ES, Almere, Almere, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 6 81901997
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3703855, Longitude: 5.215496

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Farmers wife


    Simply amazed to find this gem of an Indian grocery shop cum restaurant in the middle of Almere !! The indian water balls snack (called goolgapas) were out of the world and even better than what I tasted when visiting India a few years ago .. plus i liked that they have strictly vegetarian stuff so there is no problem of a kitchen/ utensil having any non vegetarian traces.. grocery range is very good and priced right .. 2 ladies at the counter called priyanka and sarika were very helpful to let me choose the right Indian ingredients for my experimental cooking .. i will recommend this place highly..

  • thanigaivel subramanian

    thanigaivel subramanian


    The person was very courteous. Food variety available...price is cheaper ... grocery lesser choice... one place to food and shop...

  • en

    hanumantha rao Madduri


    Authentic and yummy Indian food!! 👍

  • sourav dutta

    sourav dutta


    Price is little bit high. Very helpful employee nice place dor shopping

  • David Goldwyn

    David Goldwyn


    Surely this place is for food lovers, who would like to try authentic and traditionally cooked Indian food, very friendly staff.and of course you can also buy Indian grocery in the shop itself. I never expected that I would be getting kara paniyaram, mudhu vada, masal dosa and some of best Indian street food near to my house

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