Thai Roots Den Haag in Den Haag

NederlandThai Roots Den Haag



🕗 openingstijden

23, Sint Jacobstraat, 2512 AN, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 17454544
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0754888, Longitude: 4.3146726

opmerkingen 5

  • Chris Dale

    Chris Dale


    Not very relaxing because of noise between employees and the kitchen. Good massage though.

  • Lord is King!

    Lord is King!


    Good massage

  • Viktória Valentin

    Viktória Valentin


    They are all professionals and I have to recommend the place for everyone who has stressed out muscles. I'm a returning customer of one year every 2-3 weeks and I'm absolutely satisfied!

  • en

    Drosoula Tsangaratou


    Nice experience. Yes you can hear eachother, but it is definately not annooying. The professionals keep their voice down and the customers imitate. Just like that. I liked the treatment, the small chat with the masseuse, the information exchanged was enough to understand what I do/do not want/can handle and I felt heard. Afterwards, a great losen up feeling. I would apreciate some more explanation in prof terms, but I guess it was the language barrere and not the lack of professionalisme that left some questions of me unanswered (I asked if thai massage is ok to apply to a body with pain, or that it is always meant for healthy/not in pain bodies: I did not get a clear answer, but I got an instant example practice: the masseur applied 3 seconds of both working with thai or normal massage on my lower arm and I felt the diference in the two levels of technique and experienced the difference in healing (muscle related/bone related). Those people know what they've just done, they leave you in peace and quite to finish your tea while the effects are stil upgrading.

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    Bart B


    Fairly decent massage but what an aweful place. Stressed out employees, power failure and strange noises and conversations from other customers only separated from you by curtains make this a very unrelaxing experience.

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