Thai Ocha in Maastricht

NederlandThai Ocha



🕗 openingstijden

5B, Willem Vliegenstraat, 6214 AS, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 31589316
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8465862, Longitude: 5.6784494

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Julie T


    Great taste. Real Thai food. Love it

  • Guido Colaris

    Guido Colaris


    This place bring authentic Thai food to the Netherlands!! The absolute best Panaeng curry you can imagine. Fresh ingredients, great service... go there and you’ll love it all!

  • Raoul van de Rijt

    Raoul van de Rijt


    Yummy Thai food for take away. It always tastes authentic and the owner and staff are friendly. Very affordable.

  • en

    Selma Kemmerer


    Very good and healthy food! They told me that they cook completely fresh and do no use any flavor enhancers, which is a big plus for me. The cook is a woman from Thailand and she even makes the noodles herself. Yummie!

  • en

    Rafał Sowa


    Very impressed! I made the order by phone as me and my friends are all vegan and it seemed like an easier option. The gentleman who took the order was very helpful advising me on what we should order, reassuring me that the food would be made vegan. The food was amazing! - delicious, hot and the portions were big. The best Thai I've ever had! Will defiantly order again.

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