'T Eekhoornnest in Soest

Nederland'T Eekhoornnest


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🕗 openingstijden

118B, Birkstraat, 3768 HL, Soest, Soest, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 35 609 5411
website: www.eekhoornnest.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.1581222, Longitude: 5.3254467

opmerkingen 5

  • Marcin KrugÅ‚owski

    Marcin Krugłowski


    Nice park and Sand Duines. Everything what U need to rest and read Ur book.

  • Sean van Zuidam

    Sean van Zuidam


    Great location with view to forest or fields. The house is in a nice size with 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and a living room. Great location if you need to go to a event nearby.

  • en

    Andres diaz l


    Is a relaxing and beutifull place to disconnect from the city in the nature.

  • en

    Colin Rodenburg


    Great place to stay at if you're looking for a comfortable place in the central part of the Netherlands. Travelling distances for day trips to any part of the country are not bad at all. Cabins are beautiful on the inside and out which makes for a comfortable environment. There is no room service, not like a hotel but still very nice. 5/5 would recommend.

  • Henry Eccles

    Henry Eccles


    The accommodation we stayed in - the B7 was good with a nice downstairs living area. Upstairs was OK but perhaps a little tired (I think is in the process of being updated). The staff are great and the entertainment for kids was excellent. It's a great location in a beautiful woodland setting and lots to see and do in the surrounding area.

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