Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam

NederlandStedelijk Museum



🕗 openingstijden

10, Museumplein, 1071 DJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 573 2911
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3580111, Longitude: 4.8797554

opmerkingen 5

  • Benjamas B

    Benjamas B


    Museo interessante, l’entrata è spettacolare , è un’architettura nuova molto grande. All’interno ci sono opere molto belle , ma anche altre che non dicono molto. Ovviamente è un punto di vista soggettivo. Se si visita Amsterdam consiglio di visitarlo. Il percorso al suo interno non è molto semplice e intuitivo, a differenza del museo Van Gogh.

  • robikaz 's

    robikaz 's


    It's modern art right? I don't get it and I did not feel comfortable or get interested in anything there. I do not even know a person to recommend these expositions to. The best thing was that my girlfriend was with me and both of us could laugh at it that we do not get The point of this.

  • Marcello Musumeci

    Marcello Musumeci


    Maybe I'm just going to be five-starring museums from this trip because I had such a great time. Who knows. Anyway, this museum was great, the gift shop was also really fun to browse around in. Are you reading this review because you thought you'd be able to just walk in to the Van Gogh museum? You can go to Stedelijk instead. It's good.

  • Mila Sjulstad

    Mila Sjulstad


    Fun contemporary and modern art museum! They have lots of pieces from many different famous artist. My favorite part is the art after the 2000s which is displayed when you first walk in and go straight ahead. They accurately with good detail give backgrounds non the artist too. Cute cafe and a nice gift shop. I also appreciate how they will hold your luggage if you happen to have that with you

  • Peter Goulooze

    Peter Goulooze


    Tentoonstelling Ed vd Elsken

Museum in de buurt

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