Stayokay Haarlem in Haarlem

NederlandStayokay Haarlem



🕗 openingstijden

3, Jan Gijzenpad, 2024 CL, Haarlem, Haarlem, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 23 537 3793
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.414112, Longitude: 4.6398664

opmerkingen 5

  • R B

    R B


    Very organized . I went to stay with a group of 30 people. . The staff was really helpful. They work with utmost responsibility and Hospitality. . Lovely rooms to stay . Clean and shinning bathrooms. Quiet and calm place.. loved it!

  • Björn Merklin

    Björn Merklin


    Great (included) breakfast selection. Nice and prepared personal. The rooms are okay for their price, though you can't fully open the windows and the beds frames are made of metal.

  • ??



    The bar was decent, however I found the alcohol selection was rather limited. Eg no cider, only "fruity beer" which is close, but bitter like beer. A double vodka coke will set you back about €6.50 Other than that, there was plenty of seating, and the staff were friendly.

  • NoName Given

    NoName Given


    Good Service, Clean rooms and decent breakfast. Beds couldve been more comfortable but I wouldnt expect anything more than i got for such a cheap price per night.

  • en

    Cinzia De Robertis


    Nice and relaxing place. Rooms are for women and men together, but are clean. In the room you can find toilet shower and sink. Beds are comfortable and breakfast is awesome. On the website the photos make you think this place is much bigger than it actually is, but is still a good place to stay. To go to the city center you should only take one bus, there is a big park near the hostel and you can go to the market by feet. I would sleep there again.

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