Stadhuis Zaanstad in Zaandam

NederlandStadhuis Zaanstad



🕗 openingstijden

100, Stadhuisplein, 1506 MZ, Zaandam, Zaanstad, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 14 075
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.438355, Longitude: 4.814598

opmerkingen 5

  • Mowaffaq Tahir

    Mowaffaq Tahir


    The buildings are very nice and beautiful. The staff are friendly the most of time. Their system is quite good!

  • Rolands J

    Rolands J


    Terrible Gemeente. I was staying there one day. In the morning parked my car on Czaar Peterstraat. Nearby Parking Machine to get a parking ticket was broken. So I went to find a next one. Took me 2 minutes to check the street and parking officer was already writing me a parking fine. I told him to look at the parking machine there - it was broken. He answered , he can't cancel fine, I must write to Gemeente. I took couple pictures of broken parking machine and agreed to write to Gemeente. As I am not a fluent at Dutch, it took me some time to find my way to write them a complaint about the situation ( I sent them pictures too) and asked to forgive the parking fine. Somebody answered me it is not a matter of complaint and readdressed it as some other issue. Then Zaanstad answered me later that I have not done my complaint on time, and I must pay fine. Ridiculous! Like it is my fault that parking machines are broken in Zaanstad and if I can't magically print out a parking ticket so I must pay a fine...

  • en

    Sam Julesz


    Reception terrible. Old grumpy lady with a terrible service and attitude. Photomachine doesn't work and don't give money back.

  • Ken Lee

    Ken Lee


    cool city hall designed by Soeters Van Eldonk architecten from 2011.

  • Xinyi Li

    Xinyi Li


    These buildings look very beautiful, unique design and lots of green

Gemeentehuis in de buurt

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