SportCity in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

3, Eerste Weteringdwarsstraat, 1017 TL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 627 3060
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3621491, Longitude: 4.8879186

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Britney Bogard


    This place does not honor Sport City memberships from other locations. It costs more. They will let you in once but if you want to keep going you have to pay more. It’s fine. Small. I’d go to the location closer to the center instead.

  • Peter Boogaard

    Peter Boogaard


    My favorite gym ! Tried many around town and this place feels like home ! Great training staff and centralized location. A place to relax after a hard work out

  • nl

    Kris Matusiak


    Ben hier 10 jaar lid geweest :) klein, gezellig en alles wat je nodig hebt :)

  • Le Foria

    Le Foria


    If you're depressed and enjoy loneliness and dark workouts then this is your place to be. Showers are not individual and I'm not sure why they assume everyone is comfortable in communal showers which I find repulsive and uncomfortable. On the good note they have a nice yoga studio on the top level with nice views. Important to mention that this place is not handicap friendly.

  • Sivan 1

    Sivan 1


    The atmosphere is welcoming and the equipment, facility, classes are all quality.

Sportschool in de buurt

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