Shoura Moskee in Amsterdam

NederlandShoura Moskee


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🕗 openingstijden

84-2HG, Jekerstraat, 1078 MG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 676 6190
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3461715, Longitude: 4.8965938

opmerkingen 5

  • Gestapo 56

    Gestapo 56



  • Ahmad Dutch

    Ahmad Dutch


    It is a beautiful and a lovely place. Only it is not always open, so you have to ring the bell of you want to go inside. The prayers there are being held 5 times a day. It is sure near Amsterdam R. And it is about 12 min walking.

  • Muhammad Shaban

    Muhammad Shaban


    Small prayer hall at first floor for both male and females.

  • Samiullah k

    Samiullah k


    Khutba in Arabic, Its tucked away in a corner, so people will not be able to guide you to it. Only hope is google maps

  • nair1ramesh



    I found this mosque(masjid)) within 10-15 minutes walking distance of Amsterdam RAI convention center. Good brothers there, mostly Moroccan. Only thing I didn't like was after prayers TV was on and loudly in the next room and could be heard in the prayer room. But otherwise very good. Also nearby there is a Halal Turkish sandwich and grocery store. This is the only halal eatery in the RAI area.

Moskee in de buurt

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