SGE De Parade in Eindhoven

NederlandSGE De Parade



🕗 openingstijden

133, Dominee Theodor Fliednerstraat, 5631 MD, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 40 711 6100
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4569124, Longitude: 5.4893234

opmerkingen 5

  • Maqsood Ameen

    Maqsood Ameen


    This used to be a reasonable place. But now its almost impossible to get an appointment! Everytime you call them for an appointment with the huisarts, you have to explain the situation to the receptionist for about 15 minutes. In the end, all they say is its not a life threatening situation and ask us to call back again. The next time, some other receptionist picks up and you have to explain the story again. Unbelievable! Why the hell can't you guys connect us to the doctor directly. If there is a shortage of doctors, inform all the registered people so that they can find a different huisarts. Absolutely disappointed, poor poor service - doesn't even deserve a single star!

  • nl



    Assistente is altijd super aardig,

  • Judith korthout - Vliegen

    Judith korthout - Vliegen


    Erg prettige omgeving, assistentes bellen altijd terug volgens afspraken. Dokters afspraken kan ik zelf inplannen en korte vragen kan ik online bij mij huisarts indienen, meestal heb ik dan na 4 uur al een antwoord.

  • Leen Lambregtse

    Leen Lambregtse


    Their contact management is the poorest I have ever had to live through. Avoid this place at all cost. One star is even too much

  • Jessica Smulders

    Jessica Smulders


    Duurt erg lang voor je de assistent aan de telefoon krijgt om een afspraak te maken. Schandalig !!!

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