Seats and Sofas Nieuwegein in Nieuwegein

NederlandSeats and Sofas Nieuwegein



🕗 openingstijden

72, De Liesbosch, 3439 LC, Nieuwegein, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 30 214 8981
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0525767, Longitude: 5.1111845

opmerkingen 5

  • Ajmal arghandiwal

    Ajmal arghandiwal


    I buy one sofa and the qulity and price is super

  • nl

    Frans van der Zee


    Wij hebben voor 3x in de 15 jaar een bankstel bij Seats and Sofas gekocht. En we zijn weer heel goed geholpen en de verkopers zijn niet opdringer.

  • en

    Jagoda Pragłowska


    Klant service is not nice some of people working there are just rude. In 2 orders they make mistake and we have to wait for our ferniture since the end of october till now..and its not ready yet..

  • Jesper de Groot

    Jesper de Groot


    Looks cheap and they are but quality is bad

  • en

    Ilias Casa


    The dealer is unprofessional, when we came out of the shop after we didn't like the way his assistant explain the pricing details, the dealer stopped our car when going out, to offer a better price of what had been offered by his assistant, it was like a technique he applies, so it seems like being in a souk! When we declined his offer, he became very rude..

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