Sea Life Scheveningen in Den Haag

NederlandSea Life Scheveningen



🕗 openingstijden

13, Strandweg, 2586 JK, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 354 2100
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.1123585, Longitude: 4.2794416

opmerkingen 5

  • PurpleOrchid



    Cute little Aquarium! Not very big, and a bit too crowded for me but the animals were nice! Some different things than back in Vancouver. My favourites were the turtles, seahorses, tunnel and the otters! (Take a note Vancouver, get an aquarium tunnel!) Sadly my visit was cut short by a fire alarm just as I was doing a survey in the gift shop.

  • Florus van der Rhee

    Florus van der Rhee


    Leuke en interessante aquaria. Wel wat klein. Als je alles goed bekijkt en je kijkt niet de 2 films die ze hebben draaien ben je er in 1,5 uur doorheen. Dan is het dan best aan de prijs.

  • Suzanne Souren

    Suzanne Souren


    Prachtig aquarium, echt genoten. Zelfs onze tienerdochters vonden het leuk! Leuke uitleg van een medewerkster gekregen. Zeer de moeite waard. Alleen de pinguïns niet gezien, waren aan het broeden volgens bordje.

  • en

    Chris Robinson


    We'll worth the entrance fee. The number of fish and animals to see is good. It looks quite small from the outside but don't be fooled. Kids aged 4 and 2 loved it spent ages going around. All the staff are happy and helpful. After getting some lunch we went around again. All information displays have English translations. The animal talks and feedings are in Dutch but you get given a translation of the talk to read. Even had a talk in English as everyone watching was English/ American. Would visit again.

  • Hepziba de Vries

    Hepziba de Vries


    Amazing aquariums, loads of them, and very special fish, big and small, can be admired in a nice simulation of their natural habitat or in the most favorable light. In each aquarium you can search for beautiful creatures you would have otherwise missed. My favorites were the big tank with the dancing rays at the beginning, the big tank where you can walk and sit in the tunnel underneath (do have a seat) and I've greatly enjoyed the otters (now gone I believe) and now the penguins. It is rather cold at the outdoor parts at the beginning and end, so dress up warmly. Especially if you have to wait in line before the entrance.

Aquarium in de buurt

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