Scooter Planet Amsterdam BV in Amsterdam

NederlandScooter Planet Amsterdam BV



🕗 openingstijden

2, Derde Hugo de Grootstraat, 1052 LL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 261 0457
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3736372, Longitude: 4.8731118

opmerkingen 5

  • Fatos van de Biezen

    Fatos van de Biezen


    The team at Scooter planet was very helpful and fast. They even did a small favour for my Vespa. Definitely recommended ! Thank you guys.

  • Fernando Marzan

    Fernando Marzan


    Great service. One of the most honest companies regarding pricing and services. If you want transparency, good service, and normal pricing, then I highly recommend it. In comparison to other shops, this place explains and shows clearly the costs of replacement parts and service. Super good!

  • Anton Nemtsev

    Anton Nemtsev


    Responsive, good quality, always in time, fair prices. All you can expect. But there is more than that: Once I stack with a dead accumulator for my motorcycle: they help me just because they can help, with no fee at all. So aside from excellent and professional service, you can find good people there. It is rare and worth a lot.

  • Mariom Vargas

    Mariom Vargas


    We went there to rent bicycles. They were cheaper than the ones offered by our hotel and in really good condition. The staff was really helpful and gave us a lot of guidance regarding how to go round in the city. They were helpful and friendly.

  • Tara Green

    Tara Green


    Me and my husband’s experience was nice. We rented bikes. Maybe in the future we will rent scooters) deposit came the next day.

Auto reparatie in de buurt

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