Saxion University in Enschede

NederlandSaxion University



🕗 openingstijden

28, M. H. Tromplaan, 7513 AB, Enschede, Enschede, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 88 019 8888
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2206818, Longitude: 6.8864939

opmerkingen 5

  • Dale Law

    Dale Law


    oh mon dieux ,si vous chercher a perdre du temps et de l'argent come join us :D

  • no

    Jonathan Bergers



  • Martin Boers

    Martin Boers


    Geweldige avond tijdens de diploma uitreiking van onze zoon !

  • Chansey Chan

    Chansey Chan


    Not very high standards. Teachers aren't motivating or inspiring

  • en

    Janoy Baldening


    Saxion is not a university but uses the English term in a misleading manner. A few years back the school had a scandal because it forced international students to enroll in certain programs while other programs were "full". Meanwhile the school was just looking after its own financial interest. I've personally studied at Saxion and while some of the teachers are good most of them are in fact average to incompetent. Ironically, I had to take an English exam to even be admitted to Saxion while many of my classmates did not had to. Many teachers make many spelling errors and just speak an average English. The global organization of saxion is very chaotic. There's not even classrooms compared to the number of students. Food at the cafeteria is pricey like others suggested. The library is very noisy. Saxion has many events to make their own image better, however I believe that the only goal is to make more money. Somehow the food at those events is free and I believe it's paid by the student tuition fees...

Universiteit in de buurt

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