Salonboot Delphine | private boat tour I dinner cruise I in Amsterdam

NederlandSalonboot Delphine | private boat tour I dinner cruise I



🕗 openingstijden

648-hs, Prinsengracht, 1017 KV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 860 0012
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3618803, Longitude: 4.8920827

opmerkingen 5

  • Marianna Trimarchi

    Marianna Trimarchi


    We spent an unforgettable afternoon, it was such a wonderful experience. There is nothing more perfect than to experience the history of Amsterdam on a private tour of the magical canals. All this, accompanied by a high quality aperitif with excellent wine and by a professional and extremely kind guide. Absolutely recommended! If you want to make your stay in Amsterdam memorable, book a tour with Delphine!

  • Riccardo Iovine

    Riccardo Iovine


    It was a great experience. The guide was professional and very kind. High quality aperitif and excellent wines. Exploring the canals and getting to know the history of Amsterdam in such a lovely private tour is absolutely a high recommendation, especially on the Delphine Amsterdam :)

  • Gloria Jean

    Gloria Jean


    Amazing Experience! Highly Recommend! This is the BEST tour! We rode on a Dutch boat well loved for over a 100 years! Our Captain, Vanessa took us through the small quaint canals and delighted us with history and modern day stories. She was a wealth of information. So relatable. This was definitely the highlight of our trip! Very special.

  • Lex de Lange

    Lex de Lange


    BOATING IN THE RAIN. Yesterday we had the pleasure to experience this private canal boat including dinner during the very rainy evening. And it was truly a unique experience for more than one reason. It was so cozy and comfortable inside with candle light and music. Amsterdam during dusk is so beautiful! But because of the rain you are almost on your own on the canals. It couldn't get any better!!

  • Anouk Hoenjet

    Anouk Hoenjet


    Because I wanted to surprise my boyfriend with a private boat tour, we chose to rent the Delphine privately. We never regretted that! From the moment we got on board we immediately felt welcome. We had a great cruise through the beautiful canals of Amsterdam. The Delphine is a beautiful boat with a lot of charm and is suitable for cruising in rainy days and sunny days. We definitely recommend this private boat tour!

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