SAG Gezondheidscentrum Helmersstraat in Amsterdam

NederlandSAG Gezondheidscentrum Helmersstraat



🕗 openingstijden

101, Anna Spenglerstraat, 1054 NJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 683 8583
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3624915, Longitude: 4.8700967

opmerkingen 5

  • mihum tenia

    mihum tenia


    Dokter peters is heel erg goed en kan goed met haar patiënten communiceren. Dus communiceren is het belangrijkste punt. Ze geeft goed advies en is ook een echte dokter. Wel 1 van de betere vrouwelijke doctoren die ik hebt gehad.

  • Dario Palladino

    Dario Palladino


    I have always felt well with treatment and advice. Recommend

  • Ayşenur Korkmaz

    Ayşenur Korkmaz


    Awful place really. My doctor is either away, or she does her best not to send me to the specialist. Basically i pay the health insurance for nothing.

  • Evangelia Gkanatsiou

    Evangelia Gkanatsiou


    The best doctors in Amsterdam

  • T G

    T G


    These group of doctors are great. The staff are nice and have always been helpful to me and my kids. I especially feel very fortunate that they take the time to explain why they are taking a certain course re: diagnosis and also research and discuss with their colleagues if there are maybe other possible solutions. Kudos to Dr Van Rooden and all the talented doctors there.

Fysiotherapeut in de buurt

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