Roomskatholieke Basisschool (RKBS) De Fontein in Den Haag

NederlandRoomskatholieke Basisschool (RKBS) De Fontein


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🕗 openingstijden

462, Laan van Wateringse Veld, 2548 CK, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 396 5050
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0317104, Longitude: 4.2870027

opmerkingen 5

  • Benjamin Killeen

    Benjamin Killeen


    Een goede school. Vrijdag voor de vakantie mocht je op een playstation4 of telefoon meenemen.

  • en

    Victoire Queen


    Very racist school, very disrespectful towards parents who are not originally from here. Unnecessary complains about kids who do not speak dutch as their first language. Teachers do not really help the kids. You as a parent really have to be proactive. Even some of the kids are racist towards coloured kids, do not know what they learn at home. Shame, shame shame!!! I quickly took my daughter out of there as I could not take it anymore!

  • Leo van Rutten

    Leo van Rutten


    Goede school met aandacht voor ieder kind

  • Olena Maroun

    Olena Maroun


    I cannot say anything about study process, but I was looking for a place in the school for my toddler and I choose to call to this school for information believing that Catholic school can give not only good academical education but also teach child basic human qualities like kindness, respect others, humanity and etc. And actually this is what they mentioned as well at their website. Happen that my call answer person who doesn't seems to have much of such qualities herself. I don't speak Dutch yet and when I have call to see if my son can have place for next year in this school, person who represent the school chose to reply in Dutch and pretend she cannot understand and communicate in English even tho she understood each my word and was replying on my questions in Dutch even when I politely asked her if she can speak English because I don't speak Dutch. She ignored. I told her I am sorry I cannot understand her on what she reply "you are in the Netherlands we use Dutch here" (something with this meaning) which I found very rough, heartless and disrespectful. Absolutely pleasant impression about school after seeing the web and talking to her colleague before, who asked me to call back next day which I did (in English), turned to absolutely unpleasant after this call. Not sure I would recommend it to my friends or family after this.

  • Lema 34

    Lema 34



School in de buurt

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