Restaurante pancakes in Zaandam

NederlandRestaurante pancakes


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🕗 openingstijden

1, Kraaienpad, 1509 AX, Zaandam, Zaanstad, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 75 615 6403
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.472917, Longitude: 4.820607

opmerkingen 5

  • Olive Van Niekerk

    Olive Van Niekerk


    It is a little confusing for first timers. I get that it is a self serve place but it is very unclear how it works. They give you a device that vibrates when a special order (pancakes) is done and you can go collect it but they don't tell you where to collect which resulted in the assistant and I going 'round searching for each other. Nice place but they need to give a little better instructions especially since it is a tourist place and people are bound not to know exactly how it works. And I expected a little more from their pancakes for the price they ask for it.

  • Mowaffaq Tahir

    Mowaffaq Tahir


    It’s crowded but they do their best and serve lots of clients. The staff are friendly with big smiles!

  • fr

    Richard ROSIER


    Toilette gratuite si vous mangez Pour petite faim Jolie cadre Personnel sympa

  • daniel casalini

    daniel casalini


    Il posto è carino, ma per una tazza di tè davvero piccola si paga 2.50€ noi che abbiamo preso la tazza leggermente più grande ci è stato fatto un supplemento di 0.50€ per pochi ml di acqua calda in più. Considerare che è tutto self service

  • nl

    dez art


    Veeel te duur restaurant

Restaurant in de buurt

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