Restaurant El Popo in Deventer

NederlandRestaurant El Popo



🕗 openingstijden

13, Brink, 7411 BR, Deventer, Deventer, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 570 618 608
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2529029, Longitude: 6.1606512

opmerkingen 5

  • Tony Mendez

    Tony Mendez


    Good food, friendly staff. Full on sunny days but the staff managed a nice place for us to sit

  • Alexey Bagrov

    Alexey Bagrov


    Nice atmosphere. For spicy food lovers

  • vivian bielak

    vivian bielak


    Great food & atmosphere. Really authentic place, including the decor & background music. The waiter service is nice & very accommodating. Would certainly come back!

  • Bert-Jan Grun

    Bert-Jan Grun


    Lovely restaurant, food was delicious and the staff was very friendly. We showed up with a group of 7 and had no reservation. The staff were able to fit us in without any problems and took good care of us. I can really recommend this place.

  • Jasmine Smyth

    Jasmine Smyth


    Great cocktails but very limited (good) veggie options. They used to have an amazing veggie burger burrito, but they sadly turned it into a regular hamburger which is not what I'm looking for at a Mexican restaurant. Good service and the taste of the food is good!

Bar in de buurt

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