RE/MAX Makelaarsgilde Leiden in Leiden

NederlandRE/MAX Makelaarsgilde Leiden



🕗 openingstijden

73-75, Levendaal, 2311 JE, Leiden, Leiden, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 71 516 2370
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.154836, Longitude: 4.4958647

opmerkingen 5

  • A. L.

    A. L.


    They illegally charged the commission fee..

  • en

    Rita Ferrão


    After 2 viewings in 2 days with Nik Romsom, I found exactly the place I was looking for. He is a very dedicated, professional and attentive makelaar. All process from viewing to moving in was very neatly organized as well, would definitely recommend Remax and Nik👌

  • en

    Richard McKendry


    I had an excellent experience with letting through RE/MAX in Leiden. As I am not Dutch it could have been potentially intimidating trying to arrange the required paperwork, but this was made easy for me. Nik was my primary agent who was easily contactable during my tenancy, but has also been helpful since my tenancy expired in regards to referencing for properties outwith Leiden.

  • en

    Mo Hannes


    Professional service, which led to me finding a great apartment in Leiden despite very short notice. Thank you Jan!

  • en

    Casey Bryan


    I was desperate looking for an apartment over the past few weeks without even being in Leiden. Jan always went out of his way to answer my numerous emails and we finalised a stunning apartment in 2 working days! thank you

Makelaar in de buurt

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