Rederij Plas in Amsterdam

NederlandRederij Plas



🕗 openingstijden

28 A, Damrak, 1012 LJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 5406
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3760396, Longitude: 4.8970032

opmerkingen 5

  • Maria A

    Maria A


    We were looking forward to our boat trip, and the multiple very rude staff treated us badly. My little cousin bought tickets for the next ride and when we started to line up they said we had to wait 20 minutes because they were full. When my aunt went to get her money back they said that my cousin had to come back for the refund, and dragged on the process longer. We will never go back to this business.

  • Friedrich Holland-Moritz

    Friedrich Holland-Moritz


    poor tour. u cant smoke herbs... unfriendly staff

  • Olivier Jongeneel

    Olivier Jongeneel


    Last summer after a great tour I forgot my sunglasses on board of the boat. The staff put them aside and after a short phone call I could pick them up in the week after. Definitely not the standard at the other touristic shipping companies. Thank you Rederij Plas!!

  • Sara Khan

    Sara Khan


    1 hour bootroundtrip, was really nice also a good way to see the whole city in just one hour if you don’t have so much time.

  • Cole Clark

    Cole Clark


    Very cheap. Honestly probably cheapest boat tour in the city. You hit pretty much everything you can see. The only downside is the audio repeats in like 6 languages and sometimes it's talking about something you should've seen minutes ago but you've already driven away.

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