Quentin Golden Bear hotel in Amsterdam

NederlandQuentin Golden Bear hotel



🕗 openingstijden

37, Kerkstraat, 1017 GB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 4785
website: quentinhotels.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3656743, Longitude: 4.8852433

opmerkingen 5

  • Steven Ds

    Steven Ds


    They scamed us. moldy fridge. non-existent reception which closes at 5 p.m. cleaning not done. toilet room. bedroom in the basement. no wifi or networks in the basement in the bedroom. the walls are full of cobwebs and really hallowed. I have no responses to my emails and calls for complaints and reservations either.

  • Hasan Urhan

    Hasan Urhan


    nice stay. typical amsterdam's narrow and vertical stairs. but the room was quite ok.

  • Skip Tracer

    Skip Tracer


    Great location.Nice staff.I would stay again.The only complaint I have is I thought the room was very small for the price.Also not crazy about a shared shower.As said before I would stay again.

  • Pavla Korinkova

    Pavla Korinkova


    Great location in the centre, clean room with all necessities, kind and helpful staff, yummy breakfast (croissants, breads, yoghurt, cheese, ham,...)! Will stay again, thanks a lot ❤️

  • Emirati Nomad

    Emirati Nomad


    The hotel location is perfect, staff are super friendly and welcoming. Only issue is the cleanliness of the rooms is not that great. Even after the cleaners come clean, the amount of dust, dirt and rubbish under the beds and shockingly even on the night stands next to the bed is scary. This can cause serious health issues as you are breathing all that while asleep. The stairs are another issue but that's something common in all Amsterdam as the buildings are old.

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