Property Of... in Amsterdam

NederlandProperty Of...



🕗 openingstijden

2, Herenstraat, 1015 CA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 5909
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3770076, Longitude: 4.8895382

opmerkingen 5

  • Christoph Schuh

    Christoph Schuh


    5 star products and on top 5 stars espresso =) Thanks a lot! Chris

  • Roope Kaaronen

    Roope Kaaronen


    Bought a backpack from here half a year ago. Wonderful service, the backpack is very high quality and the design is well-thought. Recommend!

  • דור ורדי

    דור ורדי


    GREAT Products. Definitely the best bag I have ever had and the best costumer service I got! Very recommended!

  • Stefan Winter

    Stefan Winter


    Excellent service and a very nice store. And I love the bag

  • Sofia Niemeyer

    Sofia Niemeyer


    Quality Products and Great Customer Service. I love Property Of, I just wish they had a store in Colorado. Actually, I wish I could live in Amsterdam where their stores are located. However, they ship very quickly and free. I have several backpacks, glasses cases and bought some items for friends and family. We all love the Property Of products because they are made well and look great. I have been in the stores and received stellar customer service. I have also ordered from the website several times and my experience has been great. I highly recommend them to everyone we know.

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