PostNL Pakketpunt in Amsterdam

NederlandPostNL Pakketpunt



🕗 openingstijden

65, Sarphatistraat, 1018 EX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3611419, Longitude: 4.9069637

opmerkingen 5

  • Raphael Beaujeu

    Raphael Beaujeu


    Very bad service: Doesn’t accept packages "too big" Doesn’t answer phone calls Doesn't provide explanations for lost packages, nor takes care of fragile stuff

  • Gerben de Jong

    Gerben de Jong


    PostNL onwaardig pakketpunt, ze nemen pakketten niet aan als ze geen tijd, ruimte of zin hebben. Zelfs toen ik tijdelijk op krukken liep konden ze een pakketje ter grote van een schoenendoos niet aannemen

  • Luuk Koote

    Luuk Koote


    Lousy store. Sends people away if the package is 'too big'. In my case I had approx. size shoebox. When I asked how big was too big they had no answer. Tell a story that they are a postnl location specializing in small packages.

  • Vroni Mulder

    Vroni Mulder


    Currently closed. It is understandable not to whine, but to save others the trip.

  • Fede



    Closes earlier. Does not get the post nl package even though it should be open. No explanation. Does not answer to phone calls. I had to walk back with my packages 3 times...

Postkantoor in de buurt

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