PostNL Pakketpunt in Amsterdam

NederlandPostNL Pakketpunt



🕗 openingstijden

91, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1012 RE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3748849, Longitude: 4.8921277

opmerkingen 5

  • dalo noi

    dalo noi


    The owner is a very shady and ignortant man. He asked me 20 eur extra for packaging my monitor. I told him I can also fix one box and come back later and then he asked me 15 euro. I didnt want to pay this so he started to insult me in his own language and i told him he was taking advantage of the situation. He called me sick and insulted many times and asked me to leave and dont come again. I told him that my girlfriend would come back with a box in 15 min and he told me to go away or he would call the police. There were no other customers, and i asked him to call down but he continued insulting me and called the police. Once the police arrived he behaved very polite and told to them that i tryed to rove him and take some packages with me and that i insulted me. This man in crazy and has no respect for other people. I strongly recommend to take care with him because he is so shady.

  • Julia Wacowich

    Julia Wacowich


    I often go by here to pick up packages, the man who works there is very friendly and helpful, sometimes a bit slow. I might use them next time I fly egyptair since I always have a nice experience with this business. EDIT: the day after I wrote this, I went to the store an HOUR after their supposed opening time carrying 3 huge boxes. They were inexplicably closed... very annoying and unprofessional

  • Naomi Kruidjes

    Naomi Kruidjes


    Very friendly man, surprised about the bad reviews..

  • Sijmen Aukema

    Sijmen Aukema


    This man is a horrible human being. He takes pleasure in condescending his customers. This is a postal service point and a halve hearted attempt at being a travel agency. So if you can book your trip to Egypte somewhere else just get your delivery there too.

  • serving blues

    serving blues


    Impossible to have any information for a packet I sent 2 weeks before. I wanted to recover it but after the packet came back at the post office, you don't know what happen??? Perhaps we can imagine....

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