Polestar Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandPolestar Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

2, Van Baerlestraat, 1071 AW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 088 9560
website: www.polestar.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3599466, Longitude: 4.8769396

opmerkingen 4

  • Aart de Winter

    Aart de Winter


  • Marcelo Jarach Chiminazzo

    Marcelo Jarach Chiminazzo


    This was just an amazing experience. Goes far beyond the awesome product in itself, forget that old traditional dealership experience where the store makes you feel like they're doing you a favor to let ypu be there. From the booking till leaving the store you feel whays its all about. Besides the amazing staff at the store ready to help and support with all your questions in the most friendly way.

  • Hans de Groot

    Hans de Groot


    Beautiful showroom with 3 Polestar models and a friendly, enthusiastic and helpful employee.

  • Ties van Bruggen

    Ties van Bruggen


    Super hospitable! We were standing through the window looking at the Polestar 1, and moments later we were invited to come inside and take some pictures! We were allowed to open doors and view the battery. The employee was able to tell well about the cars. Nice experience! (Photos soon on my insta @ ties_carphotography😉)

Autohandelaar in de buurt

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