Plumbing company F.P. de Boer in Amsterdam

NederlandPlumbing company F.P. de Boer



🕗 openingstijden

100, Fagelstraat, 1052 GJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3800843, Longitude: 4.8747234

opmerkingen 5

  • Michelle Van renswoude

    Michelle Van renswoude


    My renovation went really well. Super professional, the bathroom has delivered quite nicely. I recommend it!

  • John Ciccariello

    John Ciccariello


    FB de Boer Plumbing attention to detail was fantastic. I highly recommend his craftsmanship and professionalism. A+

  • Danica Ciccariello

    Danica Ciccariello


    Highly recommend! F.P. de Boer plumbing is my go-to service for any issues that may occur. Always quick to respond and very knowledgable about what would need to be fixed and its cost. Arrives on time and fair price - very professional company.

  • Tracy Burns

    Tracy Burns


    Mr de boer is the most knowledgeable plumber I have met yet ! I leave it in his hands whatever I need done because he knows what he is doing. Not only is mr de Boer a wonderful plumber his talent is also in am so glad that I met him Thank you

  • Rose Valianpour

    Rose Valianpour


    Frank is a skilled plumber who is also very creative. He thinks along and listens very patiently to your wishes and is more concerned with delivering an excellent result (although it turns out to be more work than agreed) than quickly finishing and leaving. He adheres to the agreed prices and does not look at every extra minute and then charge you for that extra 10 min more. Super satisfied with the result and super happy to have finally found a good and reliable plumber.

Loodgieter in de buurt

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