PC Refresh PC, Mac & Phone Repair in Amsterdam

NederlandPC Refresh PC, Mac & Phone Repair



🕗 openingstijden

52, Roelof Hartstraat, 1071 VL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 210 3355
website: www.pcrefresh.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3521494, Longitude: 4.8846648

opmerkingen 5

  • Goda SavickaitÄ—

    Goda SavickaitÄ—


    100% recommended! Qualified and efficient staff, very friendly as well! I only came to check a minor problem on my laptop and they did it for free in no time. A must-go pc repair shop in Amsterdam!

  • stephan schalling

    stephan schalling


    First I went to an apple repair store in the city center, where they told me that just opening my macbook and checking whats wrong would already cost 200€ and up to 3 weeks, not even ensuring me that they would find the problem. Long story short: I am so happy that I kept on looking for a repair shop and found PC Refresh in de pijp. They quickly had a guess what could be wrong with my macbook and offered to check it for free and call me as soon as they know what needs to be fixed. They called me only a few days later, informed me about the necessary repairs and the costs. I still had the chance to say "no, thats too expensive" and they wouldnt have charged me any money. Great service, fair price and very reliable. Finally a repair shop were I felt treated fair and they did a great job!

  • Eduard Hernàndez

    Eduard Hernàndez


    Great service. They first look at your computer and provide a diagnosis, free of charge, and a quotation to make the repair. They work very well and at a good pace. Prices are very reasonable. All their work has two years guarantee. Highly recommended.

  • Chandrasekhar M

    Chandrasekhar M


    Excellent service. Got my wife's hp laptop fixed in less than 2 days. Very professional and knowledgable folks

  • Micaela Z

    Micaela Z


    I just picked up my laptop today. It was not working and they solved the problem in less than 48 hours, explaining me every detail of what they may be doing and everything they did in the end. I am very happy with the experience and if I happen to have any other problem with my laptop, I will be going back there, no doubt.

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