PC Auto Import in Amsterdam

NederlandPC Auto Import



🕗 openingstijden

12-B, Swammerdamstraat, 1091 RT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 244 1586
website: www.pcautoimport.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3586883, Longitude: 4.907033

opmerkingen 5

  • Maksym Musin

    Maksym Musin


    Smooth import process for the car registered in Germany. I have spent only 2 hours of my time for the whole process, the rest was handled by Paul. Thank you for support, flexibility and good price!

  • Matthew Day

    Matthew Day


    We used PC Auto Import to import our car from Switzerland and we could not be happier with the experience and result. Paul was incredibly professional - his communication, organisation, attention to detail and speed to get this done were outstanding. He has a great network as well and shared with us a trusted mechanic for future needs. A fantastic experience overall, PC are an absolute must if you're thinking of importing a car into the Netherlands! 100% recommended. Thanks again Paul!

  • Sanne Kanis

    Sanne Kanis


    Paul helped me very well with finding a MINI. He has access to good auctions and dealers that you normally do not have access to as a car finder. It was nice to receive advice and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the year of construction, price and maintenance. Thanks Paul!

  • Y3MG



    I had nothing but pleasant contact with Paul about possibly selling my current car, as well as importing a new car from Germany. Paul is professional, reliable and takes care of his customers. In the end it was more important for me time-technically to buy a different car at very short notice, so I did not do this from Paul. Had I had more time, Paul would have been the right person to take care of this anyway. Paul is knowledgeable, realistic and likes to think along with you as a customer. I expect that in the future I will do business with Paul again, and I am already looking forward to the positive contact.

  • Eva Kolstee

    Eva Kolstee


    I, Pauline, bought my car WITH PC Auto Import. I am very satisfied, contact was very good, informative, and a lot of service. A perfect car, beautifully cleaned inside and out by Philip. I got a great car, exactly what I was looking for. PC Auto Import then sold my Fiat very well. I highly recommend. Knowledgeable and high-level service.

Autohandelaar in de buurt

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