Pantoufle in Rotterdam




🕗 openingstijden

100, Vijverhofstraat, 3032 SP, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 10 203 7920
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9312266, Longitude: 4.4724804

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Michael van Dijk


  • nl

    Jim Koster


  • nl

    Rob Fassaert


    paden voor klanten misschien iets te smal verder leuke winkel aanrader!!! ga zo verder

  • en

    Bea Rotterdam


    Good service, good communication, beautiful objects. Esther took a lot of care of the order.

  • Cameron Norman

    Cameron Norman


    This is a gem of a store. For those looking for unique, well-made, and tastefully eclectic and exceptionally designed products for home and office, this is the place to go. Rather than clutter the shop with things, the owners have curated a collection of products that are all exceptional in their design and character and are distinct. I bought some stationary products imported from Japan that one couldn't find elsewhere and, were it not for the limited space in my luggage to take home with me, I would have taken more things with me. The shopkeeper is friendly, knowledgeable and has an eye and background for good design and can provide a story on the products if you want.

Winkel in de buurt

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