Palm Guitars in Amsterdam

NederlandPalm Guitars


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🕗 openingstijden

12, Pedro Nunesstraat, 1086 XX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 422 0445
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3619886, Longitude: 4.9769688

opmerkingen 5

  • Marco Tinari

    Marco Tinari


    Amazing place, hard to believe a musician would not fall in love with it. The owner is so friendly and knowledgeable. Plenty of rare and beautiful instruments. Must see. Call for an appointment before visiting.

  • spunnek75



    Though this shop,full with tarnished old dusty , dirty musical antiquities is well worth visiting, be aware: this bloody hell of a hoarder/ shopowner is the most unruly boorish man you'll ever meet, for sure ! Not the kind salesman you would expect to run such a unique music shop, or to do business with at all. The shop itself could use an 'overhaul' ,in my honest opinion. My total experience with Palm Guitars left me nothing to rate poor.

  • nl

    Arjan Hurkmans


    eigenwijze winkel met veel vintage gear

  • Al Watkins

    Al Watkins


    An alladin's cave of old ..used .. rare and unobtainable instruments .. this is not a "normal" guitar shop .. this is worth visiting Amsterdam for .. on it's own .. no other place like it in the world .

  • Fico Cámara

    Fico Cámara


    Amazing amount of guitars, dust and crap. Even when the owner (tipicall dutch) opens 16hours per week doesn't seem to be happy when receiving customers...

Elektronica winkel in de buurt

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