Özdilek Home in Den Haag

NederlandÖzdilek Home



🕗 openingstijden

4, Paletplein, 2526 GW, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 330 0617
website: www.ozdilekhome.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.069048, Longitude: 4.303058

opmerkingen 2

  • en

    Amel Liban


    I wanted to bring something back that I bought 3 days ago. The lady in the store told me that I had a time span of a week. When I came back today to return it, they told me I couldn’t, and they started questioning why I wanted my money back. After telling them that I didn’t felt comfortable having the product after it broke once, the woman said to me'' I already told you, we don’t do refund''. Though this is nowhere stated in their recipe. If you do decide to shop at this store, make share you have it written and singed that you can return it. On top of this, the attitude both coworkers gave me, was very unpleasant and I have never been mistreated this way, while buying thigs.

  • Abdo Alloush

    Abdo Alloush


    من أفضل الماركات التي ارتاد اليها

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