NL Hotel Leidseplein district in Amsterdam

NederlandNL Hotel Leidseplein district



🕗 openingstijden

368, Nassaukade, 1054 AB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 689 0030
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.365683, Longitude: 4.878073

opmerkingen 5

  • NaturalSize



    Amazing people thank you so much for everything the best people I was meeting in Amsterdam help in everything

  • Milo Spalevi

    Milo Spalevi


    Nice location .. Leidseplein ... hart of Amsterdam ... for young people very nice ...

  • Nasir Masud

    Nasir Masud


    Great place for comfortable stay in reasonable price at nice location, Small but well maintained rooms and restaurant, staff is polite and friendly offered relaxing canal front view, parking place is easily available near the property, complimentary WiFi available in the area of property, on the whole recommend to stay and enjoy the good atmosphere of Amsterdam.

  • Cristina Mate

    Cristina Mate


    Hotel with good location, recently refurbished but our room was dusty, no shower gel or soap in those containers in the bathroom. After a week or so I have noticed rashes on my legs so went to see the doctor, I have very itchy eczema since then, can't get rid of them. Receptionists are very helpful and kind.

  • James Worth

    James Worth


    Friendly staff and great location. Rooms are compact but not too small for a short stay. Poor sound insulation between rooms and above and below. No air conditioning. Fine as long as not there in summer!

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