Natural Beauty 4 You in Amsterdam

NederlandNatural Beauty 4 You



🕗 openingstijden

149, Frederik Hendrikstraat, 1052 HS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 41966745
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3732794, Longitude: 4.8722834

opmerkingen 5

  • Noortje Viana

    Noortje Viana


    Super good bautysalon at home. I had a facial here and I am very satisfied. The therapist Rosalia is also a super sweet and professional woman who explains well what she does during the treatment! Really recommended.

  • sophie denhaag

    sophie denhaag


    I had mesotherapy and teeth whitened at Rozalia. Both treatments were done competently. She is a very experienced specialist and the price was fair. I have had a series of 4 meso treatments (intermittent) and I am certainly happy with the result!

  • L M

    L M


  • MC B

    MC B


    Great service, very professional every time I go ! And always knows ho to advice me in taking care of myself ! Should try out the HYALURON PEN !!! AMAZING NATURAL REULT ON YOUR LIPS ! Very Satisfied each time !

  • Loredana Iza

    Loredana Iza


    I am happy to be back at Natural Beauty 4 You this time I did a bio peeling my skin was radiant again I am really happy with it, is recommended

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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